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Grapefruit: Ripe For a Citrus Comeback

January 25, 2016

The picture of a healthy breakfast is constantly changing—from savory oatmeals to kale-and-egg dishes to superfood bowls and smoothies. But one old healthy breakfast standby has been sadly snubbed in recent years: grapefruit.

In 1976 Americans enjoyed about 25 pounds per year, but by 2013 consumption rates dropped to a mere 2.5 pounds a year, plummeting by 70 percent. The drop can be partly linked to drug interactions with grapefruit. But assuming you don’t have any medical reason not to partake (check with your doctor about possible interactions) there are tons of good reasons to eat it.

Half a grapefruit contains more than 50 percent of your recommended daily amount of vitamin C, keeping your immune system strong during cold season without as much sugar as other citrus fruits. In fact, it actually helps improve your body’s insulin resistance. In addition, research shows that grapefruit can reduce cholesterol levels.

Don’t miss the rainbow of varieties from ruby red to pink to the large lime-skinned pomelo. You can eat it straight up or juice it, of course, or make this Winter Fruit Salad at the beginning of the week and serve it with breakfast or as a light dessert. We like it with pink grapefruit, but any variety will work nicely.

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