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Chia Chocolates

August 1, 2017

Recipe by Dr. Taz Bhatia

Thanks to chia seeds, these chocolates have enough protein, healthy fat, and fiber to make a great breakfast or snack. They provide stable energy, without spikes or slumps that you get from sugary cereal or candy.


BIO: Dr. Taz Bhatia is a nationally recognized physician specializing in integrative and functional medicine. Founder of CentreSpringMD, she is also an acupuncturist and nutrition specialist. She is the author of Super Woman Rx, What Doctors Eat, and The 21 Day Belly Fix, and host of The Dr. Taz Show and Kitchen Cures.

Chia Chocolates




00 min


00 min


1 cup almond butter

1 tablespoon honey

1⁄4 cup chia seeds

1⁄4 cup cacao powder

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1⁄2 cup rolled oats or granola

1⁄4 cup mini dark chocolate chips


In a medium bowl, stir together the almond butter and honey.

Add the chia seeds, cacao powder, vanilla, and rolled oats or granola. Mix well.

Roll into 8 small balls. (Use a melon scooper to make even portions, if you like.)

Press the chocolate chips into the balls.

Cover and keep in the refrigerator.

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