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30 Delicious Ancient Grain Breakfast Bowl Recipes to Fuel Your Day

By Jess Novak and Lauren Paige
June 8, 2021
Photo Credit: Rise Shine Cook

Don’t get us wrong, we love oatmeal — like, really love it — but these breakfast bowls go way beyond your standard microwaved bowl of cinnamony oats. There are a ton of ancient grains that people have cultivated for millennia that offer a wide range of health benefits, and they’re all excellent for shaking up your morning routine. (When we speak of ancient grains, many of them are technically pseudocereals, but since they cook like grains, we’re including them). The best part of making grain bowls for breakfast is they can last for a long time: make a big batch of grains on Sunday, and you can use it for breakfast grain bowls all week long.

Read next: 7 Topping Combos to Try If You’re Sick of the Same Oatmeal

We’ve found some especially easy, delicious recipes that can help you kick off your day with a nutrient-packed breakfast, many of which can be completely prepped the night (or even days) in advance. 

Chia Breakfast Bowls

Golden Milk Chia Breakfast Pudding

Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein, chia is an exceptionally nutritious seed, and was a staple of the ancient Aztecs. You can mix them into overnight oats or combine with another grain, or make a chia pudding to kick your day off right.  

Amaranth Breakfast Bowls

pumpkin amaranth breakfast bowl

Amaranth has a nutty, sweet flavor and distinctive, chewy texture, with each individual grain creating a little pop in your mouth. This seed is also a complete protein, providing all nine essential amino acids, and has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels

Quinoa Breakfast Bowls

quinoa breakfast bowl

Quinoa’s mild flavor and fluffy texture makes it super-versatile and a great fit for breakfast grain bowls. It’s also gluten-free, packed with protein, and it cooks fast and keeps in the fridge for about a week, making it suitable for a quick morning meal or weekend prep. 

Farro Bowls

farro breakfast bowl

Farro is a chewy, nutty grain that doesn’t get soggy, even when it’s served in a pudding or make-ahead breakfast bowl. It also works well whether it’s served sweet or savory, warm or cold. It’s also an excellent source of protein, and packs plenty of fiber and vitamins. 

Millet Bowls

Millet breakfast bowl

This gluten-free whole grain is rich in fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, and good-for-your-gut prebiotics. It’s very mild-tasting but lightly sweet, and easily takes on the flavors it’s cooked with. 

Buckwheat Bowls

buckwheat breakfast bowl

Despite its name, buckwheat is actually wheat-free, and has been cultivated in northern China since 2600 BCE. It’s rich in fiber and potassium, with an earthy, nutty flavor and a texture similar to brown rice.

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