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3 Things You Always Ask for at the Grocery Store

March 12, 2020

These days, it feels like the number one goal of grocery shopping is getting in and out as quickly as possible. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up and ask for what you need. Whether it’s at the butcher counter or in the produce section, here’s when and how to get the help you need at the grocery store.

1. When you want your meat prepped…


Your grocery store butcher can seriously cut down on your prep time in the kitchen. If you’re making a recipe that calls for butterflied chicken but you’re running late — or you’ve just never butterflied a chicken before — ask the butcher to do it for you. You can also ask the butcher to cut chicken into cubes for a stir-fry or skewers, debone or grind meat, or repackage pre-packaged meat.

2. When you don’t see the produce you want…

Have you ever gone to the grocery store to buy a one particular item and it’s out of stock? That always seems to happen to me in the produce department, especially when it comes to things like herbs and more specialized produce such as radicchio or rainbow carrots. There are usually at least one or two employees manning the produce department, though, so go ahead and ask. More often than not, they just haven’t had a chance to restock.

3. When you want to order something they don’t stock…

For years, I’d go to multiple grocery stores in search of something my regular supermarket didn’t have — and still come back empty handed. But before you run all over town, know that you can ask your store to order something they don’t usually carry. It’s within reason, of course, but you’ll be surprised by how much they can (and will) actually call in if you request it. Plus, they’ll appreciate that you’re such a devoted customer that you’d rather buy from them then from their competitors.


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