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These Calming Drinks Will Make You So Chill

by Carrie Havranek
April 7, 2021

The events of this past year have made so plainly evident the need for self-care. Yes, mental health days are great if you can take them, but often it’s the habitual practices of self-care that can make the biggest difference in our day-to-day well-being. That includes what we eat and drink. We believe that what we put in our bodies can have a strong and significant influence over how we feel. The foods we eat and the beverages we drink can make us feel energized, focused, or completely chilled out. And right now, we’re in the mood to feel cool, calm, and collected. You, too? We bring to you a few of our favorite calming drinks.

The beverages below are drinks with benefits, also known as functional beverages, that meet our trifecta of requirements: They contain ingredients we can understand, they do what they say they’re going to do, and they taste good. Bottoms up!

1. The Hemp Division CBD Teas

Veteran tea makers Harney & Sons have a new all-natural line of teas and beverages with CBD. It’s called The Hemp Division and the products are made using hemp they grow themselves. There are various flavors of cold drinks and hot teas, which contain different doses of CBD depending on how chill you want to feel.

For example, you can choose from hot teas including Center (8 mg CBD), Calm (9 mg CBD), and Chill (16 mg). For cold drinks, the turmeric, ginger, and honey flavored Calm has 10 mg of CBD, while Cruise has 25 mg.

Buy It: Calm Tea Satchets, $8 for 8

2. Health-Ade Plus 

From the company that made kombucha cool comes Health-Ade Plus, featuring kombucha with a little extra something based on what you’re trying to achieve: elevate mood, improve immunity, digestion, or skin, boost energy, etc. For those in search of calm, there’s Chill, with vanilla, lavender, and passionflower. This one takes a little more than the edge of—without making you sleepy.

Buy It: Kombucha + Chill, $52 for 12

free rain

3. FREE RAIN Sparkling Water

This new-to-market functional sparkling water brand has three different flavors for energy, focus, and calm. Formulated in partnership with herbalist Rachelle Robinett, their chill-out formula is gentle, making it ideal for an end-of-day drink that won’t make you too sleepy, although, says Robinett, “the more you have, the more you’ll turn it into a sleep assist.”

The active ingredient here is passionflower and one can delivers 255 mg. Known for its relaxing properties, passionflower is a regular player in a lot of nighttime teas because it’s what’s called a nervine, an herbal category that specifically supports the nervous system.

Buy It: FREE RAIN Blackberry & Passionflower for Calm, $36 for 12

4. Recess Calming Hemp + Adaptogen Drinks

This sparkling beverage sells itself as a break from your day or from the usual drink you consume. Either way, Recess is, indeed, a respite. Its ingredient list include l-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea that helps with calmness and focus, along with American ginseng, lemon balm, and 10 mg of hemp extract. The result? You’ll feel relaxed, but focused, with absolutely no “tired but wired” feeling.

The same basic drink comes in six different flavors — peach ginger, coconut lime, blood orange, pomegranate hibiscus, black cherry, blackberry chai — so everyday can offer another way to enjoy a recess.

Buy It: Recess Sampler, $30 for 6

5. Dirty Lemon + Rose

Dirty Lemon made a splash when juice cleanses and detoxing was in vogue. These days, we’re more on board with their rose lemon water, which is unexpectedly relaxing and beautifully floral. If you know anything about roses, they make us feel better because their oils and aromas lift our mood.

Buy It: Dirty Lemon + Rose, $35 for 6



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