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Fruity Brown Rice

September 12, 2016
Photo Credit: Margot Foster

By Tracey Seaman

Dried apricots and cranberries mixed here with raisins add bright color and tangy sweetness to the rice, and roasted walnuts lend a toasty crunch. You can mix it up by adding one cup of any dried fruits and 1/3 cup of any raw or roasted nuts. We like fragrant rice, such as Basmati or Jasmine.

Fruity Brown Rice




10 min


30 min


1¼ cups long grain brown rice


1 cup mixed dried fruit, such as cranberries or sour cherries, diced (quartered) apricots and dark raisins or currants

2 tablespoons grass-fed butter or coconut oil

Sea salt

1/3 cup roasted walnuts or pecans, coarsely chopped (see Note)


Place the rice in a 1-quart saucepan; add cool water to cover, rub the rice with your fingers to wash it and drain through a strainer. Repeat two times—by the third rinse the water should be clear. Return the rice to the pot and add 1¼ cups cold water. Bring the rice and water just to a full boil, cover and reduce the heat to very low; let cool, undisturbed, for 25 to 28 minutes.

Fluff the rice and add the fruit; cover the pot with the lid and let stand 5 to 10 minutes to plump the fruit. Toss in the butter and season with salt. Sprinkle the nuts on top just before serving.

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