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“Eat more quinoa.”

January 14, 2014

Ok, let’s be honest: two weeks into 2014, have you already swept your New Year’s resolutions under the rug?

Resolutions are an exercise in ambition, an opportunity to take a hard look at our flawed selves and what needs major revamping. This can make resolutions really hard to keep.

We at Clean Plates aren’t perfect by any means, but we strive to treat each day as a chance to do something better-for-you. Sometimes, talking it out keeps us accountable. So we shared our New Year’s resolutions and heard from some of our friends as well.

Let’s make 2014 great.

Our wine friends resolve to…

Eat more quinoa.”
Jeff Taylor, Head Sommelier, Eleven Madison Park, New York

“Drink less wine, which is going to be difficult.”
Mollie Battenhouse, Instructor, International Wine Center, New York

“Save as much money as I can. And not to just drink great wine with people I don’t care to drink with. Even if it’s 1990 Krug Clos du Mesnil, I’d rather drink 2012 Sancerre with someone I really enjoy at home.”
Laura Maniec, Owner, Corkbuzz, and one of 19 women Master Sommeliers in North America

“I like to eat whatever I want to eat when I’m traveling, so when I’m at home, I want to get better at eating vegetarian”
Andre Mack, former Per Se sommelier and Owner-Winemaker, Mouton Noir

Our food friends resolve to…

“Eat more persimmons.”
Ali Bouzari, a culinary scientist working with the Culinary Institute of America and The French Laundry, California

“Compete in three ‘centuries’ [100-mile bike rides] this year, even though I know that my ass will really hurt! And to drink more whiskey, because I don’t think I drink enough whiskey.”
Chris Jaeckle, Chef-Owner, All’Onda, a Venetian-Japanese restaurant, New York

Drink more water. I don’t think of water as basic, I almost think of it as non-basic, after the wine and the beer. And not looking at food as a de-stressor. Sometimes, when you work in a restaurant and are an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to grab something to eat, because it’s a high stress environment.”
Nicole Ponseca, Owner, Maharlika and Jeepney, New York

We at Clean Plates resolve to… 

“Live by advice from a good friend: Don’t take scraps, because that’s what people will give you. And if you get too full from scraps, you won’t have room for the good stuff. But leftovers are another story: I believe in doggie bags.”
Leiti Hsu, Editor, Clean Plates

“Be a better listener (shut up, Chris!)”
Chris Cavanagh, Director of Marketing, Clean Plates

“I’d like to continue to learn more about wine, from the growing process to finding great winemakers….especially wines grown biodynamically and organically. And since I just got married in 2013, I’m determined to work on being a great husband.”
Jared Koch, Founder, Clean Plates

You resolve to

What’s your New Year’s resolution? Comment here or write us on Facebook or Twitter at @cleanplates.

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