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Our 5 Top Health Stories of 2018

December 31, 2018

As 2018 winds down, we’re taking a good look at the Clean Plates stories that were at the top of your reading list. There’s a healthy mix of articles covering everything from brain health to beauty with coverage on everyone’s favorite topic—gut health—in the mix. Make sure you’re all caught up and be sure to let us know what you’d like to hear more about in the coming year.

Clear skin

1. 6 Foods to Get You Gorgeous: You are what you eat, right? This article walks you through the 6 foods to focus on for clear skin, strong nails and hair, and that coveted inner glow. Bonus: There are 2 recipes for beauty masks you’ve got to check out.

2. 5 Wellness Pros’ Must-Buys at Trader Joe’s: Next time you take a spin around you local TJ’s make sure you’re adding a few things from this list. Maybe you’re already clued into the extensive selection of nuts but have you tried the baked black bean chips or the red lentil pasta?

Gut health

3. Why Your Gut Controls Your Life: Gut health has been on everyone’s mind this year and with good reason. As this article proclaims: “Taking care of your digestive system is the first base toward reaching optimal health.” This story, written by clinical nutritionist, Christa Orecchio, not only walks you through her 5-step microbiome rejuvenation protocol, but includes examples of compliant recipes along the way.

4. 6 Simple Ways to Calm Stress: Calming stress should never mean having to escape reality on a fancy yoga retreat. Cultivating peace in your life needs to be simple and realistic. This list shares helpful ideas that will help you do just that.

Green tea to improve your memory

5. 7 Foods That Can Boost Memory: Everything we put in our bodies has an impact on our health which means when it comes to our brain, certain food can promote better cognitive function and even boost our memory. This s list walks you through some key players for keeping your noggin in tip-top shape.

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