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Sweet Potatoes Morning, Noon and Night

November 23, 2015

Leave your holiday lethargy behind and get help digesting all that stuffing and pie this Thanksgiving.

It’s time to get back to your roots by relying on the power of sweet potatoes, a crop grown in the Americas far before any Pilgrims showed up.

These orange tubers are loaded with vitamin B6, which helps your body break down carbohydrates, leaving you feeling more energized.

Sweet potatoes also have a low glycemic index, meaning they slowly release sugar into your bloodstream. And they contain minerals like manganese that help control blood sugar levels. Plus, the rich pigments of this potato called anthocyanins are influential antioxidants sure to boost your health in the midst of unhealthy indulgences.

So bake organic sweet potatoes to your heart’s content. When considering what sides to make this year, double down on these sweet, mighty roots and consider them not just during holiday meals but also throughout the year to help balance blood sugars and relieve starchy overloads.

Here are a few recipes to lift your leftovers to the next level:

Start your morning with these sweet potato pancakes.
Try this fall-inspired smoothie with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Load up on sweet potato topped with avocado.
Make your leftover mash into a sweet potato burger.

Whip up this creamy dip and serve with crudité.
Turn baked potatoes into dessert.

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