roasted pecans

The holidays are full of snacking opportunities: There are cookies to be eaten, pretty cheese plates to pick on, and these roasted pecans to snack on by the handful. Pecans have a naturally buttery flavor; roasted, they’re fragrant with fresh rosemary, perfectly salted, and they couldn’t be easier to make. You simply roast pecan halves in the oven until they’re warm and toasty, then toss them with chopped fresh rosemary, a drizzle of olive oil, and a pinch or two of salt. And that’s it. It takes just 15 minutes for them to come together. Whether you snack on them while they’re still warm or let them cool to room temperature, these nuts are surprisingly complex for being so simple.

Since nuts are naturally rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, they’re a wholesome choice. Pecans, in particular, are a good source of copper, thiamine, and zinc. Making your own nuts is healthier, too, than the bags of spiced or seasoned nuts at the grocery store. That’s because many store-bought mixes contain added sugar or excess salt. 

A Mix-and-Match Equation for Healthier Spiced Nuts

There are also lots of ways to make this recipe your own. Swap out the pecans for walnuts, almonds, cashews — or a combination. Try another woody herb, such as thyme or sage. If you like spice, try sprinkling the warm nuts with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Or, if you’re a garlic lover, add a little garlic powder. However you make them, these nuts can be stored in an airtight container for about a week. We’ll bet they don’t last that long. 

Roasted Pecans with Rosemary and Sea Salt




05 min


10 min


3 cups/300 g raw pecan halves

2 tablespoons organic extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary

Fine sea salt to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F/190°C.

  2. Arrange the pecans on a large, rimmed baking sheet and bake until browned and fragrant, about 12 minutes.

  3. While the nuts are still warm, return them to the bowl and add the oil, rosemary, and salt to taste, tossing to evenly coat. Return the mixture to the baking sheet, set the sheet on a wire rack, and let cool to room temperature.

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