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Why Support Is Key to Weight Loss (and How to Get It)

August 22, 2024

Trying to lose weight on your own can be really difficult — after all, more than 31% of Americans are overweight, and that wouldn’t be true if dropping pounds was easy. But there is a factor that not only can lead to greater success, but also can make the process simpler and more pleasant: having support.

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Research shows that having support helps us reach goals in a few key ways:

  • People in your support system can share information to help you be successful
  • Having support can help reduce feelings of stress
  • It can help us recover more quickly from setbacks
  • It can help us celebrate our wins and maintain momentum

Joining a holistic program, like Weight Loss By Hers*, can bring you support on several fronts. For one, with Weight Loss By Hers, you get access to personalized treatment plans, developed by a medical professional, tailored to your individual weight loss goals, eating patterns, and health history. You may get medication, and the Hers app is loaded with education content, recipes, and trackers to help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

Plus, you get 24/7 access to a care team to answer any questions, adjust medication, or offer other help, all from the app. So you always have access to the support you need in your weight loss journey. 

Another way support makes a real difference is after you’ve lost the weight, to help you maintain it. Research shows that people who have support from friends and family, or from like-minded groups, are up to 80% more likely to be successful in maintaining weight loss. 

So while you’re losing the weight and after, gathering your loved ones to help can make a real difference in your success. And if you don’t have friends or family you can count on, or the ones you have won’t be supportive, seek out a group of others (online or in person) with weight loss goals and help each other. 

Losing weight and keeping it off are challenging goals, but you can set yourself up for success by utilizing the science-backed technique of garnering support. Start with Weight Loss By Hers, and keep the momentum going by having your personal cheering section on hand to celebrate your wins.*

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*Not available in all 50 states. Weight Loss by Hers is a holistic program that includes nutrition support, technological tools, and compounded GLP-1s or medication kits including customized compounded medications prescribed based on what your provider determines is medically appropriate and necessary for you. Compounded products are not FDA-approved. FDA does not evaluate compounded products for safety, effectiveness, or quality. See website for full details, important safety information, and restrictions, including online provider consultation requirements.

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