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5 Unexpected Benefits of Weight Loss

August 25, 2024

When we think of losing weight, often we’re driven by either wanting to look a certain way, improving heart health, or preventing type 2 diabetes — or some combination of those things. And though all of those are worthy goals, once you begin, you’ll find even more unexpected benefits of weight loss, many of which may come as a (happy) surprise.

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The best way to lose the weight

Of course, losing weight on your own can be a frustrating experience. Without guidance or support, it’s hard to know how to do it in a way that’s sustainable and will work for you — especially with all the noise on social media. Joining a holistic program, like Weight Loss By Hers*, takes the guesswork out. With Weight Loss By Hers, you get access to a personalized treatment plan if prescribed, developed by a medical professional, that’s tailored to your individual weight loss goals, eating patterns, and health history. And the Hers app is loaded with education content, recipes, and trackers to help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

Plus, you get 24/7 access to a care team to answer any questions, adjust medication, or offer other help, all from the app. So you always have access to the support you need in your weight loss journey.

Unexpected benefits of weight loss

Here are 5 important perks to losing weight.

1. Improved sleep 

When you lose weight, you’re less likely to suffer from sleep apnea and other disturbances, so you fall asleep faster and get higher quality rest through the night, research shows. That means you start the day feeling more rested and energized, you’re more alert, your body works more efficiently, and your immune system functions better.

2. Better mood

Research shows that with weight loss, people experience less anger, depression, and tension. In turn, boosted mood leads to more weight loss, so it’s a virtuous cycle.

3. Stronger memory and focus

Weight loss may help to improve memory, attention, and executive function — that is, the brain power you need to solve problems, make (and stick to) plans, and adapt to changing situations as they occur. Executive function also affects your ability to keep your inhibitions in check, so you’re less likely to succumb to cravings.

4. Less pain

Losing weight reduces the stress on joints, and overall inflammation in the body. Plus, weight affects how the nervous system signals the level of pain we’re experiencing. So losing pounds can help relieve our perception of pain. Weight loss also can reduce the occurrence of migraines and other headaches.

5. Food tastes better

Studies show that excess weight can blunt our sense of taste, and losing it helps to increase our taste perception. This may be caused by changes to hunger hormones, the structure of taste buds, or other factors. When food tastes better, it’s more satisfying, so we need less of it to feel full and nourished. Plus, once you’re able to taste food more, you may find highly palatable processed foods too strong, and lose your appetite for them.

Read next: 7 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Can Boost Weight Loss

*Not available in all 50 states. Weight Loss by Hers is a holistic program that includes nutrition support, technological tools, and compounded GLP-1s or medication kits including customized compounded medications prescribed based on what your provider determines is medically appropriate and necessary for you. Compounded products are not FDA-approved. FDA does not evaluate compounded products for safety, effectiveness, or quality. See website for full details, important safety information, and restrictions, including online provider consultation requirements.

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