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“Functional” Chocolate Is Real — And We’re Freaking Out Over The Flavor

By Carrie Havranek
September 15, 2021
Photo Credit: Mid-Day Squares

We all need a little chocolate in our lives, and while we haven’t historically thought of chocolate as a health food (because it’s typically loaded with sugar and extra fats) the truth is, there really are healthy chocolate options out there.

Recently, we discovered a new healthyish chocolate that is frankly blowing our little minds. The brand is called Mid-Day Squares, and they’re calling themselves the first “functional” chocolate bar. What that really means: they function kind of as half energy bar and half candy bar, and yes, they actually taste good.

The idea here is that if you’re craving a bit of something sweet in the afternoon, it shouldn’t just be empty calories, but a bit more nutritionally rewarding (leading to less crash-and-burn energy). There are three flavors: “fudge yah,” “almond crunch,” and “peanut butta,” and each one contains 12 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. Those are some good macros, right? But here’s what we’re super feeling: they taste like a better-for-you candy bar, not an energy bar.

Mid-Day Squares chocolate

What’s in a Mid-Day Square

These little guys are made from organic, vegan, soy-free, gluten-free chocolate (you’re welcome, celiac-havers), and are lightly sweetened with lower-glycemic options like yacon syrup, maple syrup, and date syrup. They also contain protein sources like almonds, peanuts, hazelnut butter, and hemp protein. But you’ll also find cool ingredients like maca, prebiotic sources such as Jerusalem artichoke powder, pumpkin seeds, and sachi inchi protein. That’s quite a step up from the average chocolate bar.

Buy it! Mid-Day Squares

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