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The Healthiest Way to Eat Bread

January 8, 2018

It’s that time of year, when we’re all trying to eat healthier—and for some of us, that might have meant a New Year’s resolution to cut back on the carbs.

One of the toughest to avoid is that favorite dietary staple, bread.

Luckily, there’s a delicious way to have your healthy diet and eat your bread, too: Sourdough.

“The benefit of sourdough is all about its simple starter base,” says registered dietician Stephanie Middleberg, author of The Big Book of Organic Baby Food. “The base is made from just flour and water, which is left to ferment. During the time of fermentation, this mixture supports the growth of natural yeast and friendly bacteria. The bacteria will pre-digest the flour and decrease the level of phytates [mineral-absorption blockers], making the B vitamins and minerals more available. The result is a bread that is rich in probiotics, minerals, folate and antioxidant levels.”

Another benefit to sourdough is that “It may also be easier to digest,” Middleberg adds. “We’ve found that people who have a slight gluten sensitivity—not celiac—may tolerate sourdough better than regular bread because of the gluten that is pre-digested during the fermentation process.”

Aside from toast and sandwiches, there are lots of tasty ways to enjoy sourdough. Grab a loaf and make one of these delicious recipes from Artisan Sourdough Made Simple.


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Recipes excerpted from Artisan Sourdough Made Simple by Emilie Raffa, Page Street Publishing Co., 2017. Photos by Emilie Raffa.

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