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Good Health Elixirs

February 23, 2016
Turn some simple roots into a health-boosting power shot.

Here we are, smack in the middle of winter, fighting off colds and flu, pushing against the energy drain that comes from battling the chill outside and the shorter days. Would you like a secret weapon, one that a) isn’t expensive, b) doesn’t have bad side effects and c) is easy to get? Good news.

Merriam-Webster defines “elixir” as “a magical liquid that can cure illness or extend life.” We can’t promise longer life or miracle cures, but by combining some simple ingredients with proven benefits into a drink, you can effectively make “potions” to boost immunity, help you sleep, ease stomach distress or give you more energy.

How are elixirs different from juices or teas? Some elixirs contain juices and teas, but they usually also have herbs, spices or other ingredients with health-boosting benefits. Also, elixirs are generally served in smaller portions than juices. If you’ve ever had a “wellness shot” at a juice bar, it’s likely that it was an elixir.

An elixir shot made with turmeric and ginger

If you’re a DIY kind of person, there’s no shortage of places online to find recipes for elixirs (we like this one, this one and this one).

We also created an elixir recipe for you that incorporates trendy superfood turmeric, along with ginger, lemon and raw honey, plus a kick from cayenne. It’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, will kick your immune system into gear and feels soothing, perfect for cold season.

Turmeric-Ginger Elixir




05 min


05 min


1/2-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and sliced

1/2-inch piece fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced, or ½ teaspoon dried

Juice of ½ lemon

Pinch of freshly ground black pepper

Generous pinch of cayenne

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon raw honey


Place ginger and fresh turmeric (if using) in a small pan, cover with 1 ¼ cups water. Bring to a boil slowly over low heat. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, place lemon, pepper, cayenne, salt and honey in a mug (if using dried turmeric, add it here). Strain ginger-turmeric mixture into mug. Stir and serve warm, or transfer to a jar, cover and refrigerate to enjoy later.

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