Photo Credit: Liz Moody

Liz Moody is a green smoothie master.

The journalist, podcast host, and best-selling cookbook author is constantly flying around the globe interviewing celebs, trying out new cuisines, and reporting on all the latest trends in wellness. Her routine, location, and days are always changing, but one thing that stays the same is the green smoothie in her hand.

“My morning smoothie is my number one thing — and sometimes the only thing — I do daily for my health,” she says. When she kicks things off with a vegetable-filled drink that also tastes good, she’s both excited for breakfast and much more likely to eat well for the rest of the day. “Plus, even if the rest of the day goes completely awry, I’ve already eaten more vegetables than some people eat in a week,” she explains. And it’s true: Only one in ten Americans get enough vegetables.

The trick to a satisfying smoothie is getting the recipe correct. Hers are filled with greens — “much more than most people would think to put in a smoothie,” she says — and some form of protein and healthy fat to keep her satiated. Sometimes she just wings it, tossing her favorite fruits, veggies, and unexpected add-ins to the blender to see what she can create. “I love adding big flavor boosters like spices and fresh herbs,” she explains.

Other times, she has a go-to recipe — like this post-travel green smoothie.

The Best Post-Travel Green Smoothie

“It’s filled with chelating ingredients like cilantro that help combat the toxins we’re exposed to when we’re traveling,” she says. It also has lemon juice and lemon zest, which are great for your liver; avocado for healthy fat; sea salt for mineral absorption; and banana for a bit of sweetness and creaminess.

One thing it doesn’t have? Nut milk. That’s on purpose! “While I enjoy nut milk and often use it for other purposes, I don’t think it makes that much of a difference in smoothies,” Moody explains. If she does want some creaminess, she adds hemp seeds: “When you blend them with water they essentially create hemp milk, which gives you a nice nut milk texture and flavor.”


Liz Moody’s Detoxifying Green Smoothie Recipe




05 min


00 min


️1 large handful of leafy greens

1 handful of cilantro, including stems (only cut off the super woody ones)⁣⁣

1 avocado (remember—you always need to have healthy fat in your smoothie to absorb the nutrients!)⁣

1 scoop unflavored collagen powder

1 frozen banana⁣⁣

Sea salt

️1 squeeze lemon juice

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1 cup of filtered water⁣⁣


  1. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender.

  2. Blend on high until everything is fully incorporated, then pour into glasses and enjoy!

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