Coho Salmon Salad with Herby Green Dressing




10 min


30 min


1 cup chicken broth

½ cup black rice

3 ounces coho salmon

½ cups romaine lettuce leaves

⅓ cup plus 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, divided

⅓ cup plus 1 tablespoon fresh dill, divided

⅓ avocado

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

2 teaspoons honey

1 clove garlic

salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place 2 cups of chicken broth and 1 cup of black rice in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.

  2. Bring to a boil, put lid on, then turn the heat to low and simmer for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat and fluff with a fork.

  3. While the rice is cooking, set grill to medium-high. Bring salmon to room temp, blot it with a paper towel, then salt and pepper immediately before cooking.

  4. Sear salmon flesh-side-down for 3 minutes, then turn skin-side-down for 3 minutes. Remove to plate and set aside

  5. Assemble salmon, black rice, romaine lettuce, 3 tablespoons cilantro, and tablespoon of dill on a plate.

  6. In a blender, combine remaining ingredients for the green dressing. If it's too thick, add a little water. If it's too thin, throw in some extra avocado.

  7. Drizzle dressing over salad and save extra as a dip for vegetables.


You can grill the salmon and make the wild rice for dinner the night before, and use the leftovers for this delicious, healthful lunch salad the next day.

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