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Step Aside, Green Juice

April 24, 2014
Blend, blend baby.

With so many fresh juices jostling for space in the New York market, we were invigorated to discover a totally new kind of product.

Lianna Sugarman (official title: Chief Blending Officer) doesn’t deny that green juices deliver a nutritional roundhouse kick of the good stuff, but she swears that once you try her blended LuliTonix potions, there will be no going back.

To maker her LuliTonix products, Sugarman blends—rather than presses or juices—organic and raw greens, fruits, herbs and spices. Why blend? Sugarman says the process ruptures the cellular wall of the greens, releasing nutrients and making them more easily digestable. Her mission is to “seduce people who don’t like green juice at all and also those who consider themselves total green heads.”

Discover the delicious and fiber-packed result in drinks like “Kick!” ($11 for 16 oz.), which uses copious amounts of kale, lettuce and chard, along with an extra punch of chia seeds, cinnamon, mint and lemon.

She advises that getting more greens into your diet doesn’t only need to happen through hardcore cleanses, but that “anyone can add one green blend to their day and see how that shifts you intro craving cleaner foods every day.”

We’ll drink to that.

CHECK OUT: Lulitonix

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