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5 Things to Eat When You’re Craving a Candy Bar

Sheela Prakash
January 31, 2021
Photo Credit: Marco Govel

Whether you’re #teamSnickers or #teamMilky Way, candy-bar cravings happen. And, while enjoying your favorite candy bar every now and then isn’t the worst thing you can do, there are healthier choices you can make that are just as satisfying. Here are a few sweet things I find always help kick my own craving.

1. A Mug of Hot Cocoa

I love to make myself a mug of hot cocoa when I am craving something sweet and chocolate-y. I don’t reach for the mix, however, which is a little too sugary. Instead, I heat a mug of dairy or non-dairy milk (like almond or oat) then stir in a generous tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder. For a touch of sweetness, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup is usually sufficient and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon on top makes it feel special.

2. A Sprinkle of Cacao Nibs

If you haven’t already gotten to know cacao nibs, prepare to be amazed. Cacao nibs are simply roasted bits of cacao — or cocoa — beans. They have intense chocolate flavor without the added sugar and also deliver a great amount of crunch. You can snack on them straight out of the bag, but I especially love to sprinkle them on things like yogurt and sliced fresh fruit like strawberries or bananas for texture and deep chocolate flavor.

3. A Handful of Trail Mix

The variety of trail mixes that are available at grocery stores never ceases to amaze me but if you grab a bag that’s got some chocolate involved, it’s an easy alternative to a candy bar. Since trail mix is also full of nuts and dried fruit, it delivers the texture and sweetness of many of your favorite candy bars. Snack on a handful and you’re sure to feel satisfied.

4. A Healthier Granola Bar

Okay, so a lot of granola bars are basically candy bars in disguise (looking at you Kudos bars of the ‘90s). But there are definitely enough out there that lean away from dessert and more toward wholesome snack. Grab one with a short ingredient list and not tons of sugar. KIND and Purely Elizabeth are two brands we like.

5. A Square of Dark Chocolate

Perhaps the closest thing to a candy bar is plain and simple chocolate itself. Dark chocolate, with a percentage of cacao that’s 70% or higher, boosts antioxidant properties and is much lower in sugar than milk chocolate or candy bars. Since it’s so rich-tasting, I also find just a square satisfies perfectly.


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