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6 Eating Habits That Might Be Increasing Your Stress

October 18, 2024

When you think about the connection between stress and eating, your thoughts probably drift to the pint of ice cream devoured in a single sitting after a difficult day or a greasy cheeseburger crammed between errands. While the pressures of life drive us toward less-than-healthy eating habits, the link between stress and food isn’t a one-way street. Several eating habits also increase stress.

Stress can lead to poor eating choices, and those habits can, in turn, elevate your stress levels. Vicious cycle, right? If stress is getting you down, you may be unwittingly adding to your mental load with certain dietary choices. To regain control over your stress levels and overall health, avoid these six eating habits.

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1. Overdoing it on caffeine.

Caffeine Eating Habits Increase Stress, Unsplash
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We all know the jitters that come from a bit too much morning coffee. Turns out, an extra shot of espresso isn’t always as harmless as it seems.

For some, especially those who are sensitive, excessive caffeine can mean the difference between a peaceful day and a stressful one. Research shows that caffeine elevates both blood pressure and the secretion of stress hormones, sometimes for hours.

Caffeine can also interfere with sleep when consumed close to bedtime. If you notice a pattern of anxious feelings in the hours after your cup(s) of joe, try cutting back gradually. The FDA recommends 400 milligrams (about four or five cups of coffee) as an upper daily limit.

And don’t forget: caffeine is present in tea, energy drinks, sodas, and chocolate, too.

2. Eating lots of ultra-processed foods.

Ultra Processed Foods, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Not all processed foods are unhealthy; options like canned beans and whole-wheat bread can be nutritious. However, ultra-processed foods are ones to watch out for, especially when it comes to managing your stress levels.

Foods high in artificial colors, flavors, added sugars, excessive sodium, and hydrogenated oils negatively affect mental health.

A Brazilian study from 2022 study found consuming ultra-processed foods caused higher levels of anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, though, people under stress are more likely to reach for ultra-processed choices like frozen meals, processed meats, and sugary drinks — quite likely because of their convenience and palatable flavor.

Sounds familiar? You can break the cycle! Small changes like packing your lunch with a water bottle instead of a soda or baby carrots instead of a bag of potato chips can add up to better health for the mind and body.

3. Eating too few fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and Vegetables, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

If you’re snagging convenience foods on the run, you’re likely missing out on an extremely important dietary category: fruits and veggies. Eating the rainbow not only loads you up with fiber, antioxidants, and much-needed micronutrients, but it may also boost your mood. A 2022 study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that people who snacked on fruits and vegetables were less likely to have symptoms of depression and anxiety than those who snacked on other savory items.

Need some tips to work more produce into a non-stop day? Sprinkle berries in oatmeal or a smoothie at breakfast, toss greens into an egg scramble or atop a pizza, or make bell peppers and hummus your afternoon snack.

4. Eating too much sugar and refined carbs.

Refined Carbs, Pasta and Bread, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Some days feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster, even when your circumstances aren’t that stressful. What’s that about? It may have to do with your blood sugar.

Reaching for sugary and refined-carb foods (think cookies, sodas, candy, etc.) causes a quick spike in blood sugar, followed by a precipitous drop. When blood sugar drops rapidly, your body attempts to bring it back up by releasing epinephrine, the fight-or-flight hormone, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety. Not surprisingly, a 2019 study on older adults found that people (especially women) who had a diet pattern high in added sugars and saturated fats had higher anxiety levels.

Steadying your blood glucose — and by extension, your mood — doesn’t have to mean giving up carbs entirely. Simply reach for complex carbs that won’t take your sugar for a wild ride. These include foods like whole grains, beans and legumes, sweet potatoes, and squash.

5. Drinking too much alcohol.

Stress Drinking Wine, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

For most people, unwinding with a glass of wine or a cocktail after a tough day is perfectly fine. But drinking is a slippery slope for stress. When you regularly over-imbibe, it’s all too easy to feel you need alcohol to experience feelings of relaxation. And chronic drinking can actually increase the body’s secretion of the stress hormone cortisol — creating the opposite of the relaxation response.

To keep alcohol enjoyable, rather than stress-inducing, it’s best to consume it moderately. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans define “moderate” drinking as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

6. Going too long without eating.

Skipping Meals Increase Stress, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

By skipping meals due to a busy schedule, you may be creating a monster — yourself! Recent research has revealed that the concept of “hanger” (hunger-induced anger) is a very real phenomenon. A 2022 study found that people experiencing higher levels of hunger were more likely to feel anger, irritability, and less pleasure, likely due to significant drops in blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar is well-known for causing irritability and anxiety.

Pausing to nourish yourself results in an abundance of mental health benefits, as skipping meals causes biological effects like anxiety and depression. Instead of framing a hectic day as being “too busy to eat,” try thinking of yourself as “too busy not to eat.” The stress-relieving results will be apparent.

Read next: Want to Sleep Well? Fix These 8 Morning Habits

Read more on Clean Plates.

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