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How to Motivate Yourself

December 21, 2015
Eat better every day by making simple tweaks to your diet.

The problem with resolutions is simple: they’re rarely simple enough. So instead of making grand pronouncements about your eating habits—Starting January 1, I’m making every single thing I eat from scratch (and no cookies, candy, or fried food ever again)!—we here at Clean Plates like to make little changes that, taken together, can add up to a major improvement in your eating habits. The following ideas, each of which we published in our Motivate edition 2015, are so fast and easy you can start them today—no need to wait until the new year.

Happy holidays from all of us at Clean Plates! We’ll be back in your inbox next year with 52 more can-do clean eating tips to get you motivated.

1. Add a shake of cinnamon to your morning coffee or oatmeal to balance your blood sugar.

2. Eat your banana peels instead of tossing them to boost nutrition while slashing food waste.

3. Fight post-workout pain with a dose of ginger.

4. Amp up the health benefits of drinking green tea by choosing matcha.

5. Maximize the health benefits of your omelet by learning to buy the most nutrient dense eggs (and don’t toss those yolks!).

6. Swap cauliflower for carbs like rice, pasta and pizza crust to bump up your intake of fiber, vitamin C and more.

7. Incorporate lemon peel—not just juice—into drinks and dishes for a serious vitamin boost.

8. Fight fatigue by eating magnesium-rich foods, including nuts, spinach—and chocolate!

9. Soak your oats to help digestion and nutrient absorption.

10.  Foster healthy gut bacteria by snacking on Granny Smith apples.

11. Keep your greens fresher longer—and therefore eat more greens!—by poking holes in your storage bags.

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