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Clean Spirits: Five Organic Vodkas

March 7, 2012
Organic vodaks pack more flavor and less chemicals than conventional ones. (Photo by: iStockphoto)

A vodka a day may not keep the doctor away, but drinking organic could help. By choosing spirits free of pesticides, herbicides and additives, you’ll reduce the amount of toxins and other chemicals throwing punches at your liver—not to mention, the planet. Considering that organic produce packs more flavor than its conventional counterpart, organic vodka tastes better, too. But don’t take out word for it—try one of these small-batch vodkas and decide for yourself.

TRU: Greenbar Collective makes their organic spirits, vodka included, in Southern California, using American wheat, purified water and whole, hand-processed ingredients. Take your TRU straight, or try their lemon vodka—800 pounds of hand-zested, organic, locally grown lemons go into each batch. (Put that in your Lemon Drop and sip it!)

Square One: Distilled in Northern California, Square One is truly eco-conscious from grain to glass. Crafted with organic rye and Teton Mountain water, Square One vodka is labeled with paper made from sustainably grown bamboo, bagasse and cotton. The label peels away easily to ready the bottle for reuse and recycling, and the spirit’s rye byproduct becomes organic dairy farm feed. Sample their botanical vodka, infused with rose, pear, chamomile, rosemary, coriander, lemon verbana and citrus peel. For purists, classic vodka is also available, along with basil and cucumber varieties.

Rain: Produced by the New Orleans-based Sazerac Company, Rain is made from organic white corn sourced from a 1,000 acre farm in Illinois. Distilled seven times, the vodka is available plain or with natural flavors cucumber lime, honey mango melon, red grape hibiscus and lavender lemonade.

Vodka 14: Produced by a family-run company at the foot of the Teton range in Boulder, Colorado, Vodka 14 is the product of five generations of distilling, a nifty continuous distillation system and, of course, organic grains and the Rockies’ pure spring water.

Crop Harvest Earth: Though owned by New York-based Chatham Imports, the self-proclaimed “Cleanest Vodka” is born, raised and bottled in Minnesota. The company uses organic grain that’s grown and distilled so no charcoal filtering or carbon treatment is needed. Stick to Crop Artisanal Vodka or shake things up with Organic Tomato or Organic Cucumber.

What’s your favorite organic vodka? Have one to add to our list?

Martini photo courtesy of iStockphoto, other photos courtesy of the featured producers.

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