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3 Low-Sugar Ketchups That Actually Taste Good

April 20, 2021
Photo Credit: Anya Brewley Schultheiss

Ketchup: It’s hard to imagine summer without it. Whether you dip everything in it, can’t eat a hot dog that isn’t covered in the stuff, or use it as a base for your fancy DIY barbecue sauce (respect!), ketchup is one of life’s necessities. But many of the packaged brands we know and (let’s be honest) love the taste of are laden with sugar and other additives. No, thanks. So we tracked down three low sugar ketchups that bring the flavor without all the excess sweet stuff.

1. Primal Kitchen Organic Unsweetened Ketchup

It’s no surprise that Primal Kitchen (whose founder Mark Sisson is a Clean Plates Collective member) makes just what we want: A flavorful organic ketchup with just a few ultra-clean ingredients, and zero sweeteners. In case you’re wondering, it’s keto- and paleo-certified and Whole30-friendly.

Buy It: Primal Kitchen Organic Unsweetened Ketchup, $6

2. True Made Foods Veggie Ketchup

It tastes just like regular ketchup, but it’s free of added sweeteners and it sneaks in some extra vegetables, too. Along with tomatoes, it has carrots, butternut squash and spinach. Don’t tell the kids—they’ll never be able to tell the difference.

Buy It: True Made Foods Veggie Ketchup, $21 for 3

3. Elevation No Sugar Added Ketchup

This bottle not only leaves out the sugar, it’s also free of onions and garlic. That’s not so easy to find for allergy sufferers and others on special diets. Here’s the full ingredient list: Organic tomato paste, purified water, organic coconut nectar, organic vinegar, sea salt, and organic spices. In other words, you get all that ketchup-y goodness, worry free.

Buy It: Elevation No Sugar Added Ketchup, $5

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